Saturday, April 26, 2003

Who am I? (no, I'm not really a cat)

I'm an American. More specifically, I'm a Texan, 5th generation. My GGGGrandfather came to Texas from Tennessee in 1836. I'm white, male, married, and self-employed. Politically, I'm generally independent but right now I'm more supportive of the current Republican administration than I am of any visible alternatives.

We live in a strange world. Especially in the USA and especially when we are talking about political orientation. Liberals are called "Conservatives" and conservatives are called "Liberals". Under these circumstances I am a liberal (aka Conservative).

I am a proponent of supply-side economic theory (Reaganomics) as these theories have demonstrated their effectiveness when allowed to operate.

In Foreign Policy, I guess I would be called a Jacksonian. "You leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. You play fair with me and I'll play fair with you. But if you screw with me, I'll kill you." This sounds like a good foreign policy.

I consider myself a Christian but hold to no orthodox version of Christianity. In fact, I am probably quite unorthodox. I believe in the Biblical teachings of Jesus Christ but I don't think many Christians do or even know what they are. But I'm not evengelical and I'm not going to try to convert you to my views.I expect the same from you.

I will be posting here from time to time, probably on a very irregular basis for the next few months while I evaluate various blogging tools. But I will post on a variety of subjects and eventually, I may start taking comments. If I do, I may respond to comments, I may not. I may post them, and I may not. If you want to see your comments posted on the web without restriction, I suggest you start your on log. Freedom of the press belongs only to those that own the presses.

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