Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Surfing the Blogosphere

From USS Clueless: The Dog Days of August. When I followed the link to "Dogs marry in Connecticut", I was greeted with an ad for Hillary Clinton and Barbara Walters. That is just too much coincidence.

From Michael Totten: France Requests U.S. Statehood

On a serious note, from Little Green Footballs: Palestinian kids: Ask for death. Sounds like a roadmap to pieces.

James Lileks has apparently discovered an American naming convention:

Well, we know Eric Robert Rudolph’s guilty, don’t we? He has THREE NAMES. He was Eric Rudolph for years, but now he’s Eric Robert Rudolph. Say no more. That’s why I never thought Richard Jewell did the Atlanta bombing; he would have been described as Richard Jay Jewell, or Richard Harvey Jewell. People don’t get a middle name unless they’re a famous criminal. That’s the law. Ricky Ray Rector. Lee Harvey Oswald. James Earl Ray. Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan.

The nation is run by people with four names (William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, Harry Herbert Heever Hoover,* etc.) The nation is entertained by people with one name - Cher, Sting, Madonna, Eminem, Rush. The people with three names are found guilty by jury members who have two names. What of the five-namers, you ask? Those are the puppet masters, my friend. The Masonic Illuminati. Somewhere now in Bavaria, Rheingelt Quincy Etienne Xavier Chernobog is shaking hands with John Jacob Zhinkleheimer Kim Tanaka. And that handshake took six years to learn.

In case you were wondering what happened to Bill Whittle. (be sure and read the comments)

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